Why is SM targeting JYJ and Jaejoong? It’s because JYJ is SUCCESSFUL without SM. So many people all over the world are still very much interested in JYJ and each of the members. Thus, SM feels threatened. If JYJ failed, there’d have been no reason for SM to care about JYJ. This demonstrates, JYJ is doing GREAT without SM and why it seems SM is always trying to prevent them from going about their activities.
The plans SM had to disrupt JYJ’s success have failed. The scenario they had hoped for was not able to happen. This can be proven by all the worldwide attention JYJ has been getting. Here’s proof~
In Japan 2012, JYJ and Jaejoong receive #1 for various polls:
^The artist that people wish to eat breakfast with in the morning: 1st place, Jaejoong (JYJ)
^The artist who looks like they are the best at cooking: 1st place, Kim Jaejoong (JYJ)
^The KPOP star one would like to see the most in a drama: 1st place, Kim Jaejoong (JYJ)
^The artist one would like the most to go cherry-blossom viewing with: 1st place, Kim Jaejoong (JYJ)

<The #1 artist you’d like to give chocolate to on Valentine’s Day> First place was Kim Jaejoong. All JYJ members ranked in the poll, however amongst them, Jaejoong himself was able to take first place. Another poll <A KPOP-love song you’d most want to listen to on Valentine’s Day> ranked Kim Jaejoong’s “Protect the Boss” soundtrack, “I’ll protect you” as #1.
One of the “Support” busses that JYJ Japanese fans organized to request for JYJ’s activities in Japan
^Ordinary, everyday fashion idol goes to #1 Kim Jaejoong and #2 Park Yoochun (JYJ)
Japan’s KBOOM: The Artist you’d want on the front cover of the magazine- 1st place, JYJ
In Japan, if you wanted to star in a drama, which Korean drama?
^1st Place-Protect the Boss, 2nd Place-Miss Ripley

Kim Jaejoong: Thailand Cultural Mission- [LINK]
On the 2nd and the 3rd Kim Jaejoong left from Bangkok to Thailand earlier than the other two members so that he could prepare for the World Tour concert in Thailand. Alongside the management 411’s representative, Kim Jaejoong had the opportunity to pay his respects to the Thai King. Thailand’s largest shopping center (2nd largest in all of Asia) called “Siam Paragon” emptied an entire floor of their shopping center for Jaejoong. (411’s representative was able to ‘reserve’ the floor for a cheap price). Even though it was still during shopping center business hours, the fact that a whole floor was emptied out for him and stores only opened doors for him instead of other shoppers really surprised Jaejoong.
February 6th, 2012 Turkey
Kim Jaejoong visits Turkey and meets Turkey’s President, and government officials as well as Korea’s President Lee Myung Bak, his wife and other government officials as a “side” event (promoting better cultural-relations between Turkey and Korea) to the fan-meeting he was originally went to Turkey for. He met with them at Ankara University. At his fan meeting 600 people volunteered but there were known to be 2,000 people who requested to volunteer. Jaejoong’s fanmeeting was known to be the first Korean fan-meeting. At the cultural event, President Lee Myung Bak personally introduced Kim Jaejoong himself. On the 7th of that month, Kim Jang Gwan even took to his twitter and thanked the President as well as JYJ member Jaejoong for attending the event.
March 10, 2012 In Peru, ‘The Princes’
During the press conference at the hotel, 3,000 fans waited outside and even caused traffic. When reporters asked if JYJ were surprised about their popularity, they said yes. The way of fans in Peru was like that of fans in Korea so they were both intrigued and surprised. They never thought their popularity would be that great. For the sake of their fans, after the press conference the three members went to the 4th floor balcony. The amount of love that fans had for their music made them happy and thankful
Trans commentary-In conclusion, why is SM targeting JYJ and Jaejoong? It’s because JYJ is SUCCESSFUL without SM. So many people all over the world are still very much interested in JYJ and each of the members. Thus, SM feels threatened. If JYJ failed, there’d have been no reason for SM to care about JYJ. This demonstrates, JYJ is doing GREAT without SM and why it seems SM is always trying to prevent them from going about their activities.
Trans note: I summarized the writer’s words. Most of the stuff, such as facts and such have already been posted via JYJ3′s other articles.
[TRANS] Japanese Fans: “Petition to demand for JYJ to have freedom in Japanese activities”
T/N: This is the summarize version of the petition for the court. Please go this website (http://xoxojyj.web.fc2.com/20120209.html) to read the full version of the petition.
Petition to demand for JYJ to have freedom in Japanese activitiesOrganizer: Japan Fancafe JYJ Their Rooms
Submitted to: Tokyo District Court
Start Date: 09/02/2012
JYJ is currently in a trial against Avex regarding their contract.
Even though they are foreigners, the reason for this litigation is because of the large number of fans who are waiting for the restart of their Japanese activities.
We, JYJ’s Japanese fans, had been thinking of ways to support them who are currently engaged in the trial and had decided to submit the petition to the court.
JYJ who couldn’t escape the constraint from Avex, even a day faster, we would like to send our voice to the court and also JYJ of our wish for them to be able to restart their activities in Japan again. The petition and the signature shall be submitted to the court through C-Jes’ representative attorney. We planned to submit the petition on next trial fixed date, so we planned to finish this before the planned end date (only real name, nicknames are unjustifiable).
Signature project details
Petition to demand for JYJ to have freedom in Japanese activities.
1- On September 16th 2010, Avex suddenly announced JYJ’s hiatus in Japanese activities, thus taking away the possibility of JYJ’s Japanese activities and the fans chance to listen to JYJ’s singing.
2- Furthermore, for Avex, in regards of the activity hiatus, had recognized the hiatus as a one-sided fact and using this as the reason, explained it to the media and HP through claims, spreading it via twitter of their staff etc, hence profoundly hurting JYJ and C-Jes status in Japan.
3- Despite after the announcement of JYJ’s hiatus, Avex continued selling JYJ’s CD and DVD without JYJ’s consent. They also work together with Oricon in not including the total sale of both items on the Oricon ranking. Fans wanted to support the artist and JYJ’s product by putting them on the ranking, but both companies had merely scheme the conduct as a way to gain profit for their own benefit, thus making the fans to lose their faith in the companies.
4- JYJ’s June 2011’s charity event (Tokyo) and November’s concert (Ibaraki), Avex turn a deft ear to many fan’s wish and continue putting pressure on the venue and related person in charge in order to cause the activities to be suspended.
5- And then JYJ, who had even now been suspended in activities since a year and a half, due to Avex influence in Japan’s entertainment industry, could not have freedom in doing Japanese activities.
We cannot condone anymore of Avex’s continuous persistent disturbance on JYJ’s activities, and as consumers, this actions had caused a large mental anguish. We could deduce from this kind of inconsistency in Avex’s speech and conduct, the company’s objective of publication is not the reason for JYJ’s hiatus in activities, but their goal is to bind JYJ by the contract without any action (to solve the problem) but, nothing more than to deprive them in Japan’s entertainment world.
In addition, South Koreahas enlistment system in which around 2 years, they would have to undergo their military duties and will not be able to have their artist activities. Since the three members of JYJ are in middle of the twenties, it won’t be weird if they are enlisted. Taking in the consideration that for South Korean’s young male artist, the activities up until their military enlistment influence the importance of their lifetime, we seek for immediate solution to solve this problem.
Apart from South Korea and Japan, JYJ has fans from all parts of the world. Their worldwide fans naturally defends JYJ to have their (JYJ) human right respected, thus they also wished for JYJ to have freedom in doing their activities, thus the fans are paying close attention of this trial in Japan. For the judgment, we humbly request to please naturally respect the freedom in the artist’s activities and human right, and to also consider each and every fan’s feeling who loves the artist.
We, JYJ’s Japanese fans wished from the bottom of our heart for the court’s sense of justice of a prompt judgment for the liberty of JYJ from Avex and South Korea’s SM Ent unfair disturbance and the freedom of JYJ’s Japanese activities.
On February 29th, 2012 at 00:19 hrs.
Target signature:10 000, now it’s up to 17 100.
Good job Japanese Fans ^_^
On February 29th, 2012 at 00:19 hrs.
Target signature:10 000, now it’s up to 17 100.
Good job Japanese Fans ^_^

Credit: Japan Fancafe JYJ Their Rooms, Petition Link
Translated by: Helly of JYJ3
Shared by: JYJ3
Translated by: Helly of JYJ3
Shared by: JYJ3
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