Kim Junsu said:“Before the world tour started we had not even one song to sing on stage. We were able to create something out of nothing. Thus, it meant a great deal. For the purpose of performing our solo concerts, we composed our own songs, wrote our own lyrics and made our own record. Starting from Korea to Japan and other parts of Asia, America, Europe and then ending in South America, it was a truly meaningful world tour.”
Of course SM won't allow JYJ exist in this music industry. SM has power and great connection with the authority has force all Kpop major labels to be united which actually they were rivals for each other before Jaejoong formed JYJ . It is obvious that they realize how threatening the powerful talent of JYJ to all Kpop group, so that SME with all Major Labels use their great connection with government, all media, tv or online news united to take anything to make every JYJ's activity failed.
They even make Korea, Japan and other Asian country not to support JYJ by using government power and bribe local media. Only Thailand and China who have power to make JYJ able to perform in their country. Salute to The Royal family and Thai government and China Autority.
Why the law in Korea has no power againts SME ? and no law protection for JYJ? Because suppose JYJ wins the lawsuit it means the human right of kpop artist and major labels are no longer family bussiness (artis mean the son and daughter who has duty to earn money as much as they can and all the money they give to his father/ the owner of the Management) but true music industries like other country in the world which artist got fair payment according to their contract. It means no more big money from Kpop especially for The owner of management and Korean government.
And most important is the eyes of the world will be opened how bad the quality of Kpop which only the bombastic news boosted by the media payed by goverment n Kpop major labels to make the world look at Kpop so that they look at Korean culture which has main goal to promote the Korean product: electronics, car industries, make up, kitchenware etc.
So no wonder the major labels and government and Korean media always praise Kpop artist as a hero to make Korea emerge in the world, they are like a soldier who has to endure all hardship given by management untill they has no choice. Commit suicide is the only choice to free from all the suffer. Suicide for Kpop artist is very common.
That's why Jaejoong become the only target of the united of Kpop major labels especialy SME because Jaejoong and JYJ is too good and nothing can compare JYJ. JYJ shows the quality of group from Asia but JYJ is not exist in Kpop because JYJ won't allow to perform or mentioned in Korean tv.
Even though all Kpop group has no quality as good as JYJ and JYJ often become an icon for important international events because the government still need JYJ in international issue but still the name of JYJ remained unspoken as Voldemort in Harry Potter. And now when Jaejoong is vurnerable because of the bombastic fake news of Jaejoong to sasaeng that cornered Jaejoong mercilessly and the shock of the lost of his bestfriend's father, do they want Jaejoong commit suicide to make Kpop has no measure of the quality ?
It has been revealed that Jaejoong was unable to attend Yoochun's father funeral ceremony because he had collapsed in exhaustion. For the past three days, he could not stop his tears as he helplessly stood by Yoo Chun and his family. A representative stated, “Jaejoong has been crying nonstop since he arrived in Korea following the tour in South America. He showed signs of exhaustion, so we sent him home. He’s currently in a state where he’s not able to do anything, and he’s receiving IV treatments. He’ll need some time to rest and recover.”
C-Jes Entertainment(JYJ agency) was quick to step up immediately after the release of the file and the article, revealing that they had already drafted up a lawsuit against Dispatch, and were planning to press charges for defamation of character.
On March 20th, C-JeS Entertainment stated, “The article with the additional file released by Dispatch today has no intention other than to bring harm to the members of JYJ. We can no longer stand by and watch the release of such hateful articles and have decided to take legal action.”
Sejong, their legal representatives, added, “It is definite defamation as well as an invasion of privacy to release an illegal recording without even confirming with the person they claim the recording is of.”
Moreover, C-JeS Entertainment officials revealed that they “cannot comprehend” Dispatch, especially since this comes just after the passing of Yoochun's father.
And these are sympathy fo Jaejoong :
Kim Jaejoong BE STRONG projecttttt ^^ by his Arab Fans ♥
We made this project as soon as we saw his sister tweet that he needs encouragment and
strength. We wanted to prove to him that we are by his side all the time !! PLZ help spread it and
tweet it to Jaejoong, his friends, his sisters on Twitter ^^
http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=oImHP7yLtPA
and "Dear JYJ, please Smile Again"
thanks to Kayz from LJ for this wonderfulvideo ;
We made this project as soon as we saw his sister tweet that he needs encouragment and
strength. We wanted to prove to him that we are by his side all the time !! PLZ help spread it and
tweet it to Jaejoong, his friends, his sisters on Twitter ^^
and "Dear JYJ, please Smile Again"
thanks to Kayz from LJ for this wonderfulvideo ;
JYJ Fans Show Respect by Not Showing Up at Yoochun's Father's Funeral

The JYJ fandom expressed its condolences for the passing of member Yoochun’s father. On the sixteenth, Park Yoochun and Park Yoohwan’s father’s funeral took place, and fans showed their respect by agreeing to not show up at the funeral.

The fandom posted on fansites with notices saying, “Let us not go as far as showing up at the funeral. Let us not make it even more difficult for Yoochun.” As agreed, no fans appeared on the sixteenth, but instead, the fandom sent flowers in their name. At the funeral procession, Yoohwan carried the ancestral tablet, and Yoochun carried the portrait of the deceased. Until the third day after his passing when Park’s father was cremated, the JYJ members stayed by Yoochun’s side. Jaejoong was unfortunately unable to take part on the last day due to dehydration. Labelmate Song Ji Hyo shared the pain and wept for the loss.
The body will be cremated, and the remains will be kept at Yongin Park.
May he rest in peace.
The body will be cremated, and the remains will be kept at Yongin Park.
May he rest in peace.
[TRANS of Jae's Sister tweet via:starchasing] Everyone please give Jaejoong strength. He's
having a very hard time right now. RT: @kkjj4: 여러분들이 재중이에게 힘을주세요.너무 힘
having a very hard time right now. RT: @kkjj4: 여러분들이 재중이에게 힘을주세요.너무 힘
들어하고 있어요.

read :[NEWS] 120313 The End of JYJ’s Year-Long World Tour…The Light and the Dark That Surrounds JYJ
springbok7 @PrinceJJ.com
Jaejoong, rest your mind and your body. Do not chastise yourself because you were not able
to be with Yuchun and Yuhwan on the final day, Yuchun knows you as well as he knows
himself and neither he nor his family will hold you any less for being human and having the
limits of a human being.
For those out there who attack you and open their mouths and allow their fingers to produce
words without thought, they will one day realize their foolishness when they themselves
must endure the pain of losing a loved one, and when they themselves must shoulder the
burden of caring for their own children or their own parents. Sadly, it will likely take them
experiencing that burden before they can comprehend what pain you are going through.
Be as a duck in water: let their evil words roll from you like the water rolls from well-oiled
feathers. Take none of their evil words pierce your heart and shake your mind. There are
many many many of us around the globe who know better the truth of what you do and
who you are, and we will stand with you and support you in any way we can. Take strength
from our love of you, Yuchun, and Junsu, and know that we will be by your side always, no
matter what. If the day comes when you must walk away from the harsh glare of celebrity,
we will support you still. It is YOUR LIFE, not ours, and we love the kind, generous, and
deep soul that lives within you. You are our role model in perseverance, our “idol” who we
look up to as someone who while being human, still tries his best with all his being, and as
such we wish to do our best to emulate your steadfast support of your brothers and pursuit
of your dreams as best we can in our own lives.
You inspire us to be the best human beings we can be, while also recalling to us that indeed
we are, at the end of the day, all still human beings, with all the imperfections that are
inherent in that. All any of us can do is our best, to take each obstacle that comes our way
one step at a time. A journey of a thousand miles is completed the same as a journey of
one: each foot must be placed in front of the last, and the miles of the journey are eaten
one step at a time. You show us this every second of your life, and I for one will always be
grateful for having found you and your two brothers. Though the battles you three must
fight and the obstacles you must overcome are apples and oranges to those that I battle and
those that I must overcome, still in the end the battle is the same: one step, one obstacle,
one battle, and one day, at a time.
Thank you for enduring what you do so that you may bring the gift of your music to your
fans. Thank you for inspiring us. Thank you for being you.
to be with Yuchun and Yuhwan on the final day, Yuchun knows you as well as he knows
himself and neither he nor his family will hold you any less for being human and having the
limits of a human being.
For those out there who attack you and open their mouths and allow their fingers to produce
words without thought, they will one day realize their foolishness when they themselves
must endure the pain of losing a loved one, and when they themselves must shoulder the
burden of caring for their own children or their own parents. Sadly, it will likely take them
experiencing that burden before they can comprehend what pain you are going through.
Be as a duck in water: let their evil words roll from you like the water rolls from well-oiled
feathers. Take none of their evil words pierce your heart and shake your mind. There are
many many many of us around the globe who know better the truth of what you do and
who you are, and we will stand with you and support you in any way we can. Take strength
from our love of you, Yuchun, and Junsu, and know that we will be by your side always, no
matter what. If the day comes when you must walk away from the harsh glare of celebrity,
we will support you still. It is YOUR LIFE, not ours, and we love the kind, generous, and
deep soul that lives within you. You are our role model in perseverance, our “idol” who we
look up to as someone who while being human, still tries his best with all his being, and as
such we wish to do our best to emulate your steadfast support of your brothers and pursuit
of your dreams as best we can in our own lives.
You inspire us to be the best human beings we can be, while also recalling to us that indeed
we are, at the end of the day, all still human beings, with all the imperfections that are
inherent in that. All any of us can do is our best, to take each obstacle that comes our way
one step at a time. A journey of a thousand miles is completed the same as a journey of
one: each foot must be placed in front of the last, and the miles of the journey are eaten
one step at a time. You show us this every second of your life, and I for one will always be
grateful for having found you and your two brothers. Though the battles you three must
fight and the obstacles you must overcome are apples and oranges to those that I battle and
those that I must overcome, still in the end the battle is the same: one step, one obstacle,
one battle, and one day, at a time.
Thank you for enduring what you do so that you may bring the gift of your music to your
fans. Thank you for inspiring us. Thank you for being you.
[Fan Account] 120319 My Economics professor knows Jaejoong ♥
Today’s lecture was just another 2 boring hours of my first year life during uni. Our professor talked about ‘Inflation’, some of you might be familiar with the term? No? Well, never mind, that’s not the point. Anyway, I didn’t really pay attention because it was quite lame to me since I’ve already done all this nonsense in A-level.
I guess I looked like I was daydreaming or spaced-out? Because the professor chose me out of all those students in the lecture hall to ask a question.
Professor: So Crystal, is there a product that you would still definitely buy regardless of how inflation affects its price?
Me: Erm…. anything that my favourite artist produce
Professor: Okay, that’s an interesting one. Who’s your favourite artist?
Me: Just a Korean boy band
(At this point, the class suddenly became so noisy as others started to whisper to each other =) After that, he was only talking to me

Professor: What’s with the trend of liking Korean boys/ girls these days? They’re not even that good. (pause) But there is this one guy called …. (my professor could not pronounce the name) I think he’s in a trio group? He’s quite good compared to the rest.
This was how my brain worked: “Trio group?” >>> JYJ? // “The guy?” >>> must be Jaejoong! So I decided to ask him:
Me: Is he Jaejoong? And the trio group is JYJ?
Professor: Ah, yes, that’s correct. I’m still not quite sure about the guy’s name though.
So I showed him a pic of JYJ *this is me being a bit shameless* asking him which one was he referring to =) He pointed at Jaejoong saying this is the one <3 Thus, I went on asking him how did he know about JJ. He said his daughter likes the group, and that she always plays their music. It just happened that the melody of one of JJ’s solo stuck in his head XDXDXD He didn’t comment much about JJ’s appearance but he praised our prince’s voice saying his voice is really soothing and that it gives off a really peaceful/ calm feeling for the listener.
**FYI: Our professor is a 41-year-old-British man =) You just can’t possibly deny the popularity and talent of Jaejoong ~haha XD
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