[NEWS]120309 Chilean fans go slightly mental forKorean pop trio
SANTIAGO – On March 9th, the boys of Korean pop band JYJ are scheduled to hold a concert at the Teatro Caupolicán in Santiago, Chile.
It is uncommon that Santiago receives new artists from East Asia and this is a special treat for many young pop lovers.
The boys were scheduled to arrive yesterday in Santiago and hundreds of fans gathered to await for their arrival. Unfortunately, JYJ’s flight was delayed and they won’t make it to Chile until later today.The band’s global debut album, The Beginning, was released in October 2010. JYJ’s second studio album and first Korean full-length album In Heaven was released on September 28, 2011.
In August 2011, JYJ were appointed Goodwill Ambassadors for the United Nations agency UNAIDS. JYJ and UNAIDS launched a social media awareness campaign to combat HIV/AIDS discrimination via Twitter using the hashtag #LoveAlways.
In November and December 2011, JYJ launched their Mango Tree Project working with World Vision and ELLE Korea to plant “mango trees of hope” to children in South Sudan. JYJ, with fellow artists Park Yoohwan and Song Jihyo, have recorded videos in Korean, Japanese, and English discussing the project to raise awareness and encourage donations, with the goal of planting 20,000 mango trees ahead of Christmas in South Sudan. The mango trees symbolized hope, as well as providing food and a sheltered meeting spot which could serve as a classroom for children.
Immediately after the earthquake and tsunami that struck eastern Japan in 2011, JYJ donated 600,000,000 won (approximately US$500,000) to World Vision Japan, fulfilling the organization’s entire fundraising goal. JYJ stated that they wanted to give support and encouragement to Japan in return for all the love and support that their Japanese fans have given them over the years. They also expressed their hope that this would encourage others to contribute to charitable organizations around the world. JYJ also held two charity concerts in Tokyo in June 2011 to benefit those affected by the disaster.
After the 2011 Thailand floods, JYJ donated 200,000,000 won in November 2011 to World Vision, doubling the organization’s fundraising goal for flood relief in Thailand for the purpose of dispensing emergency food aid, water treatment, mosquito nets and other supplies.
Chilean fans have been waiting anxiously for the concert and have assembled flash mobs and other activities ahead of their arrival
NEWS] 120308 JYJ issues official apology + discusses their South American concerts
JYJ attended a press conference before their first ever South American concert on March 8th (local time), and addressed the controversy surrounding the group, and their thoughts about holding their first South American concert.
The group has found themselves the most talked about topic of the week with audio files, recorded back in 2009, belatedly being revealed to the public on March 6th.The members entered the press conference with dark expressions on their faces. The boys began by revealing some of the hardships they had endured due to the actions of sasaeng fans. “Ever since debuting in 2004, we suffered from sasaeng fans everyday for eight years.”
Yoochun stated, “Having someone watching me every second, and following me around wanting to share every thing, is like being in a prison without bars.”
Junsu also added sadly, “They exposed all our phone calls, GPS-tracked our cars and secretly chased us around, and even frequently broke in and took pictures of our personal items. They even tried to kiss me while I was sleeping, and they even caused a minor collision between their taxi and the car we were in to try to see my face. A fear choking the breath out of me would wash over me everyday, and I just want to at least live like a person through this indescribable suffering.”
The group then issued an official apology for causing their fans to worry with the outbreak of the controversy. Jaejoong, stated, “I’m sorry for my wrong doings in the past… I’m sorry that many fans have been heart-sick due to this issue. From now on, no matter how mentally hard, or how far beyond the limit the situation is, we will think about all the people who love us, and for them we will not falter and fulfill our responsibility as public figures.”
The group then went on to discuss their thoughts and feelings on becoming the first ever Korean artist to hold their own concert in Chile (March 9th) and Peru (March 11th).
Junsu stated, “I’m so surprised that we have many fans in Chile and Peru, where we have never visited before, and so happy that we can perform here.”
Jaejoong added, “We never thought we’d be able to come to South America. It was hard to believe that there were fans here who liked our music, but after seeing all the fans who came to greet us at the airport, we’ve come to believe it.”
With the problems they experienced on their journey as a bird got sucked into the propellers of the plane that was supposed to carry them from LA to Chile, the members lightheartedly stated, “We hope there will be a flight that goes directly from Korea to South America.”
Jaejoong revealed their future hopes as he stated, “Until a few years ago, even if we performed just in Asia and one place in the U.S., the term ‘word tour’ was used. However, we have traveled all over the world including Asia, Europe, U.S., and South America. We take pride in having a true world tour. Having come to South America, we feel that there are even more countries to visit. We look forward to our second, and even third world tour.”
In related news, the group’s concerts have drawn much attention from the locals as well as the media. As if to evidence their popularity, 400 fans showed up at the airport to see the group arrive at the airport.
[TWITTER]120308 Jaejoong’s sister Twitter Update

[TRANS] I love you!^^ My dongsaeng is a man who has the most beautiful laugh in the world! A man with~such a happy smile~~♥♥
3:43pm: 이래서연예인들이 우울하고 자살하고!조울증에 우울증 걸리는거다! 나도30이넘어서 조금만화가나면 화내고생각정도는 할수있는사람인데말이지~말이사생이지~내가생각할땐저승사자나 스토커다!아침에재중이의 카톡문구보고 너무놀라 가슴이철렁거렸다~
This is the reason why celebrities get depressed and commit suicide! This is the reason why they become bi-polar or get depressed! I am past my 30’s yet when I get a little mad my anger will just build up~ They’re sasaeng yet I think they rather are Grim Reapers or stalkers! When I heard Jaejoong’s mention on Kakao Talk I was really surprised and my heart skipped a beat.
3:47pm: 많은단어와 많은표현이있지만~재중이가쓴이 글귀가 세상에서제일 무섭고 우울해보이는것은 왜일까? 3살짜리꼬마도. 자기가하고싶은걸못하게하면 성질도내고 감정표현할수있는데말이지~나하나 즐겁다고!모든이의가슴에 피멍들게하는 사람들~
Even though there are so many words and expressions, why is it that Jaejoong’s has become the most frightening and depressing one? Even three year olds are able to express themselves when they aren’t able to do what they wish to do. For the purpose of one’s self-fulfillment, they hurt others mentally (through the heart).
3:52pm: 그사람들아니어도 충분히힘든 아이들인데! 옆에서 해줄수 있는건!아무것도없다는 이슬픈현실이 너무나도싫다! 세상에서제일슬픈문장.생각.표현.재중이의이한마디
They’re still children who were already mentally exhausted even without them! [sasaeng]. Even though I am next to him [not in a literal sense] there is nothing I can say or do to help him. I hate this sad reality! The world’s most depressing message. thought. expression from Jaejoong.
4:03pm: 하지만! 쭝이옆엔!사생만존재하지않으니까~전에했던말이생각난다!한사람이라도 자기노래를 들어주고 지켜주는 펜이
However, there aren’t just sasaengs around Jaejoong. I recall something he once said before, ‘I’ll sing even if there is just one person who will listen to my music and protect me’
4:06: 있어 감사하고 노래부를수있다고~지금재중이는 그런펜들을 위해노래하고있고 즐거워 하고있을것이다! 사생이아닌 펜을 위한 노래를 부르고있겠지?아픔만큼힘듬만큼 그뒤에 웃음주는펜이 있기때문에 오늘하루도쭝일 위로할수있을것이다^^
Thus he is very thankful and is able to continue to sing. Right now Jaejoong is singing for those fans and is doing so happily. He isn’t singing for sasaengs, correct? No matter how hard it is and how much it has hurt, for those fans whom have been supporting him with smiles, even today they should be able to support/protect him.
Translator’s note: In the end, his sister says that though Jaejoong cannot sing in his own country, so long as he can sing anywhere for his fans is great. The fact that he did not give up being a singer makes her proud and she really enjoys listening to his songs.

[TRANS] Wise princesses, don’t panic. Else, we’ll be falling for the enemies’ ploy It’s obvious as to who exactly is the criminal. The prince has endured it for so many years, yet he’s still singing with love, facing everyone with his brilliant smile, isn’t he? This is something few can manage. So~ let’s continue to support him as we’ve done so far~
Source: @akionosuke
Japanese to Chinese trans: 線香はなび
Chinese to English Trans: Min @ PrinceJJ.com
Shared by: JYJ3 + PrinceJJ
Japanese to Chinese trans: 線香はなび
Chinese to English Trans: Min @ PrinceJJ.com
Shared by: JYJ3 + PrinceJJ
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