After yesterday’s story about JYJ’s sasaeng fans became a hot topic, sympathy towards JYJ from the fans and public have been pouring in.
One fan even alerted Top News about pictures that have been taken over the years by Sasaeng fans.
Though media is to be unbiased and show all sides of a situation, unilateral attacks against JYJ were made by a “D media source” and aroused the anger of many fans.Sasaeng fans hinder the privacy of the idol stars and stalk them to the point where they are not able to have a properly functioning private life because of harassing behavior. The deep damage inflicted on idols is caused by these sasaeng fans.
JYJ and DBSK, both who have been plagued by sasaeng fans for years, have experienced uncomfortable events in which they were abused both physically and emotionally.
Under the pseudonym “JYJ number 1 honorable fan” a sasaeng posted a stalking picture of Jaejoong sleeping in which she wrote “Jaejoong is now sleeping in a sauna”. She also posted this photo to international boards and it became widespread.
After the news of the sasaengs came out, real journalists searched the internet and found many photos and videos created by these sasaeng fans that infringed on the very privacy of these idol stars.
Informers have stated that “under the guise of saying that they care and love for these idols, sasaengs constantly stay in front of the houses where the idols live and pass information between each other of where the idols eat and who they meet at all times”.
As shown in this picture, for idols there is always someone who is constantly monitoring them and invading every aspect of their privacy. Even when authorities are notified there is not much action taken, so the idols are forced to suffer great anxiety every day.
Because of the nature of their professions, stars already have little freedom to be able to enjoy a private life away from work, and the presence of sasaeng fans make it even more impossible and deprive these stars of the freedom that every human being should be able to have.
JYJ’s Kim Jaejoong expressed his anger at sasaeng fans last year via twitter.
He talked about sasaeng taxis, which fans hire to follow the idols around wherever they go. The sasaengs either chase the idols 24 hours a day or wait at their house for them to return. Such actions as these create a great psychological stress for the star.
Sasaeng Taxis are hired to pursue an idol and it has been known for there to be many taxis that chase after idol cars all at the same time in order to help young fans follow them.
Last year in March, Park Yoochun posted on his twitter in the early hours of the morning “ah, the frustration…the people in front of my house right now…please go. It’s just too much. Please Go”, complaining about sasaeng fans who stayed in front of his house and yelled up to him in the early morning.
These sasaeng fans, however, not only know the idol’s residence location but also their social security numbers as well as their handphone numbers, both of which they use to track their idols’ every move.
JYJ fans have recently brought up an interview of Kim Jaejoong from 2007 in which he states “I was spending time alone at the Han River so I texted Yoochun to ask if he wanted to come out with me”. He said that after he sent the text message immediately he received one back saying “Who are you and why are you asking Yoochun oppa to come out to meet you?”
Fans even go to the lengths of stalking their idols and stealing personal items such as house keys. These days it is not unusual for sasaengs to make copies of their idols’ house keys and spread them amongst each other, which creates a scary atmosphere for the stars.

In the past Kim Jaejoong has posted messages about sasaengs on his twitter saying: “All five of us have had experiences where we cried on the streets or were invoked in car accidents because of sasaengs” as well as “Do not do this kind of method of showing your love because all it does is shorten our lives”, earnestly trying to stop sasaengs from invading his privacy further.
This type of infringement of privacy against stars is not only illegal, but could also be life threatening to the idols because of serious accidents that could be caused and also from the misery that the fans inflict on these stars.
The recent debates surrounding JYJ have brought up thoughts on the nature of sasaengs themselves; how they do not fit into the category of fans, and the miserable relation that exists between these sasaengs and the idols whom they stalk.
Those who have joined in this debate all seem to hope that an end to these sasaengs will come soon.

[TRANS] 120306 ‘Blue House’s destruction of evidence of an illegal investigation of civilians’ was buried under the report about JYJ assault controversy in yellow press!!
T/N: The Blue House was suspected to be involved in an illegal investigation of civilians and orchestrate the efforts to destroy the evidence. More about this issue here
(EDITORIAL from the JoongAng Daily on March 6)
Blue House must clear suspicion
There is a lingering suspicion that the Blue House stepped into an illegal investigation of civilians and orchestrated the efforts to destroy the evidence. It all started with the allegation in 2010 that the public ethics division of the Prime Minister’s Office had engaged in unauthorized surveillance of ordinary citizens. The case seemed to have been closed with the conclusion that the public ethics division committed the crime on its own.
But the suspicion that the Blue House was potentially involved in the illegal investigations continued. Jang Jin-su, a senior official with the ethics division, announced in an interview that “the Blue House had ordered a destruction of evidence,” singling out Choi Jong-seok, who was then an administrative officer with the labor and employment office at the Blue House.
There is a lingering suspicion that the Blue House stepped into an illegal investigation of civilians and orchestrated the efforts to destroy the evidence. It all started with the allegation in 2010 that the public ethics division of the Prime Minister’s Office had engaged in unauthorized surveillance of ordinary citizens. The case seemed to have been closed with the conclusion that the public ethics division committed the crime on its own.
But the suspicion that the Blue House was potentially involved in the illegal investigations continued. Jang Jin-su, a senior official with the ethics division, announced in an interview that “the Blue House had ordered a destruction of evidence,” singling out Choi Jong-seok, who was then an administrative officer with the labor and employment office at the Blue House.
A ‘destruction of evidence of Blue House’s illegal investigation of civilians’* buried under the report about JYJ assault controversy in yellow press!!
Violating celebrities’ privacy and personal life covers an important political and social issue of all time..
On the 6th, at the press conference of the MB Corruption Committee of the Democratic United Party, the Prosecution Office revealed that the Blue House has destroyed the evidence of the illegal investigation of civilians of the Prime Minister’s Office of Public Service Ethics. Jang Jinsu, a senior official of the Prime Minister’s Office of Public Service Ethics claimed, “Actually, the Blue House has requested the destruction of evidence of the illegal investigation of civilians.” The related transcripts were also unveiled.
Especially, Choi Jongseok, who was an administrative official at the Blue House at that time, revealed that Jang Jinsu has been requested to give perjured evidence at the Appellate Court; they have promised to give him a Hyundai and a banking association in return.
However, this shocking news was completely buried. Like yesterday, today is full of articles by the yellow media (t/n: “yellow media” is a term used for tabloids. It has little or no legitimate news, is rarely well researched, and uses attention-grabbing headlines) that covers Celebrity – Entertainment issues. Especially, the audio file of group JYJ assaulting sasaeng fan was revealed, which attracted all public’s attention.
In the mean time, JYJ have been suffering because of sasaeng fans and related assault controversy was dispersed on the Internet. But what the media hasn’t reported all that meantime was unveiled by a yellow media, which make JYJ fans and netizens argue pro and con of it. Above all, it has been saying that, swearing at sasaengs and assaulting, JYJ were reprehensible.
However, without even a cause-and-effect relationship, it seems that no one calls into question the yellow media’s report that has played up JYJ assault controversy. At least, <<Voice of the People>> (aka VOP, a Korean online news) pointed out, “the quality of surrounding media coverage about JYJ assault controversy is somewhat far cry from a partisan coverage. No matter how partisan it is, media coverage must clearly convey a ‘cause-and-effect relationship’. But in the report related to JYJ assault controversy, the issue was unilaterally played up and it didn’t present a causal relationship.”
The problem is that, such controversy keeps being dispersed on the Internet par that hyena-alike yellow media and via portal sites, which is deceiving and manipulating the public.
[Unrelated parts omitted]
Articles referenced in this article:
[1] http://www.vop.co.kr/view.php?cid=A00000481079
[2] http://www.viewsnnews.com/article/view.jsp?seq=84106
[1] http://www.vop.co.kr/view.php?cid=A00000481079
[2] http://www.viewsnnews.com/article/view.jsp?seq=84106

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